Animation Priority replicator?

I’m trying to replicate animation priority across the client and server, and No, I do not want to set animation priority one by one on different animations.

Recently, Humanoid:LoadAnimation has been deprecated, I have been following the new standards by loading an animation through a server created animator. The client invoke the server to get the animator created by the server and load animations on it.

However, this method does not replicate animation priority. I understand that this should be an expected behavior, since the :LoadAnimation was created on the client. But is there any ways to replicate it manually? I tried using an Remote Event but the server will not receive the client-initiated :LoadAnimation. And the worse part is, I don’t think there’s a way to recognize the specific animation on the server, neither the Id or Name can be fetched on the server, they all appear to have a name “Animation” and a parent of nil, and there’s not even a property called “AnimationId” to recognize the animation.


So is there any methods to achieve my goal? Or do I really have to set my animation priority one by one on the editor?..

Animation priority does replicate?

Unless you mean this?

Yes, I mean AnimationTrack, for the Animation Instance, they were locally created on the client.

For your case, when you use remotes, you could send the Enum.AnimationPriority value as something seperate.

-- example
local animPriority = AnimationTrack.Priority

In a nutshell, you would have to send all of the data in the AnimationTrack to a table that gets sent to the server. But to interact with the actual Animation object, I don’t think that would be possible