Animation Problem: Rotating Lower Torso, Upper Torso and Head

I’ve had this problem before and I’ve fixed it myself, but I happen to get this problem again and I forgot how to resolve it. Basically, rotating the lower torso rotates the base (I think), rotating the upper torso rotates the lower torso, and the head rotates the upper torso. Here’s a video to better explain:

All the parts are unanchored, the RootPart is set to the HumanoidRootPart, and I’m sure the Motor6D’s are set up correctly.


I have tried re-setting up the Motor6D and still, not fixed. I forgot how I fixed this before.

Oh I had this problem before, in the model try setting the primary part cframe to the humanoid root part and setting root priority of the humanoid root part to 1 to give it well priority.

I’ve actually already tried that, but it still doesn’t change anything. Thanks though

Hmm, then can you send a photo of the rig by using rig edit. It might be because of the part 0 and part 1 chain of the motor6ds

I use character creator to make a rig, but I’ve installed rig editor for the picture. Here’s the pic:

Hahha, i figured it out. I realized that one of the parts were anchored, that being the hat.

For future reference, make sure ALL your parts are unanchored