Animation problem

Hey! I have a small problem. In studio, animation on a dummy (character) is working perfectly. However, when I join in-game, the animation doesn’t play at all.

(I’m making this a Scripting support post since I made a script which loads and plays the animation).

Could you show us the script?
How are you loading the animations? Depending on how it might fight with the default ones

Sure! I made a simple script which loads an animation to the character’s Humanoid.

local humanoid = script.Parent
local anim = script.RiotAnim
local model = humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim)
model.Looped = true

What are you using the animation for? Is it like to override the default ones?

No, it’s generally just to play an animation on a still-standing character. I’m sending you the exact reference below: (The character which gets animated)

Okay, I never actually used animations on dummies but I’ll try my best
Have you tried using the Animator object?
Is there any other Animations that might interfere?

Nope, there aren’t any other animations that could interfere with it. I’m also not sure how to implement the Animator object properly.

The thing I find most weirdest is that it works in studio but not in game…

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I’m not sure either, try running the Game and you should find one under the Humanoid, maybe you can understand something from there(?)…

Alright, so… I actually managed to fix it! :smiley: The problem was that the animation, which was published (owned) by me, was used in a game owned by a group. I fixed it by publishing the animation with the group as the owner. Thanks for your help tho!

Do you want to know something?
I actually wanted to ask, but I was like: “Nah, he must’ve already checked it” and so I didn’t ask :sweat_smile:


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