Animation problem

So I’m making a hot potato game, and I have an animation for when the player is holding the potato. However, I also have a running animation, and I have no idea how to put them together. I’m using R6, so because my “holding potato” animation makes the torso lean backwards, the player’s legs seem to float in the air. Combine that with the running animation, and the player seems to be running in the air. I’ve tried adding keyframes to the holding animation to hold the player’s leg down, but that only makes the player’s legs stiff when they move around. What can I do to fix this problem?


Your running animation may be overlapping with your holding animation.
Action priority allows some animations to override others.

I think the reason why the player floats is due to both animations fighting for which is shown, so if u set the running animation to Action 4 and the holding animation to Action 3 (or any lower priority) it might work.

If this doesnt work it might be an error in the animation itself.

heres roblox documentation: