Okay so I’m trying to make an animation I made it then I tested it out, when the animation ends it does this.
How do I fix it so that when the animation ends he sits however I want?
Thank you!
Okay so I’m trying to make an animation I made it then I tested it out, when the animation ends it does this.
Did you just set the player to the default Sit animation? You’ll have to cancel the default Sit animation then customize your animation to end up in the seated position you’d like.
I put a script that plays the animation and it does play but it stops and goes to the normal sit again
this is the script
local Seat = script.Parent
local r15Sit = script:WaitForChild(“Animation”)
local r15SitAnim
if change ~= “Occupant” then return end
local occupant = Seat:FindFirstChild('SeatWeld')
if occupant then
local humanoid = occupant.Part1.Parent:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
if humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
r15SitAnim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(r15Sit)
r15SitAnim.Looped = true
Why not put a couple print lines to see that your if statements are working properly.
How does your Animation end up? It seems to be looping, so shouldn’t it be replaying your sitting Animation over and over?