Animation Replication question

I’m working on an animation system since I find that the Roblox Animate script doesn’t suit my needs. In the process of making it, and it works, but I think it may have issues in the future. I’m starting to wonder how everything really functions.

This is how I’ve wrapped my head around it.

Roblox’s Animator Replication makes it so changes to the client are automatically updated to the server. The same is also true with the server automatically updating clients with its changes. I’m primarily using local scripts to animate the character in response to their movements, however, for situations where a character is struck, or goes through some server-related event, I’d like to be able to trigger this on the server.

The problem I’m running into is that my references for local animation tracks don’t exist on the server, and neither do the references for server animation tracks on the client. Is there a way to replicate these references, so that the server can affect the client’s animator directly and reference its variables? If not . .

How do you go about dealing with animation replication on the server and client? Any help would be appreciated, just with explaining it all, or detailing how you’d make an ‘Animation Module’ with functionality on the client and server.

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