Animation resets back to the beginning after I stop moving

Hello, I have this Robot Character in a game I’m working on and am currently trying to add animations to it, using the normal Roblox Character Animate local script. I am having a lot of issues, however, with the wheel at the bottom of the character. As you can see, if I stop moving during an animation, the animation will either roll back to it’s original state (first half of the animation) or finish out the animation quicker than normal if I’m in the second half of the animation when I stop moving.

While I’ve done quite a lot of programming, I’m brand new to programming custom characters/animations, so I do not know the right way to go about this. Should the wheel be animated separately from the rest of the character? Should the rotation just be incremented in a script separately from any animation (I was planning to do this, until I wondered how I would make it replicate on other clients)? Is there some other way to fix this problem I’m missing completely? I’m really looking for any ideas

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Like you said, I would implement the wheel rotation separately, which I would do by adding an animation that just spins the wheel while keeping the “main” movement animation untouched. Rather than stopping/playing the wheel animation using :Play() and :Stop(), call :Pause() and :Resume() so the rotation never resets and causes that rubber-banding you were experiencing. You also don’t have to worry about replication because animations played locally on the player’s character will automatically replicate to the server.

If you need further assistance or clarification, please feel free to respond and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.


I will try this later today! Thanks

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