Animation Scripting Help

I’m creating a tennis game and I’m having trouble with a swing animation. As seen in the game below (not mine) the first animation is played for a variable amount based on how long you hold down your mouse. Once you release your mouse, the tennis racket swings with another animation and it looks seamless.

Does anyone know how to play two animations like this?

For the first animation, you don’t need to worry about the placement of the arm corresponding to how much you hold your mouse blah blah blah

All you really need is an animation that’ll play, in which the player charges up a swing, then gets stopped when you release your mouse.

You can use the parameters on the :Play() method like the fadeTime one to ease in your two animations (charging and swinging)

What if the swinging animation’s arms are behind the charging animation’s arms when I use something like :Play(0.5)

you don’t need to play both animations at the same times also your idea might work but ive never used it

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