Animation Slowing Down in-game

I used the roblox studio AI-Powered Code Completion, if that helps

I Want the animation to play faster, but i don’t know how

In the Animation Editor the animation is normal speed but in game is slow

  1. I’ve tried changing the body’s rig but it still was slow

The way i’ve sorted my things:

Here is the script i used to play the animation:

local tool = script.Parent
local cooldown = script.Cooldown.Value
local animation = script.KickAnimation
-- if tool is used then play animation and vectorforce the humanoid away from the tool
local tool = script.Parent
local cooldown = script.Cooldown.Value
local animation = script.KickAnimation
-- if tool is used then play animation and vectorforce the humanoid away from the tool

	local humanoid = tool.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid')
	if humanoid and cooldown == false then
		cooldown = true
		local playanim = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)
		-- if the flingBlock touches a humanoid then vectorforce them away from the tool
		cooldown = false

Turns Out It Was Animation Priority, I just set it to action and it was fixed.

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