Animation Slowing Like Ultimate Battlegrounds

Hello Developers!

I am currently working on a battlegrounds game, of which the goal is to innovate the battlegrounds scene. However, to pull the already existing audience of the genre. I want to have the basic things.

This is probably simple, however i cant really find a solution :sweat_smile:

I need help with slowing the characters run/walk animation when they are mid air.

For example join Sorcerer battlegrounds and jump, note how the animation is slowed

This should do the job for you:

When you release this game please tell me! I love battle ground games!


Thank you! I looked into it and there might be a solution.
The game is barley even started, only 2 days of work so far so not much to do

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Just Implemented it, Works Great!
Going to add a move-set soon

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