Hello everyone! I’ve been working on a medieval cuff system, and I ran into a problem that when a RopeConstraint is added into the cuffed player’s character, for some reason the cuff animation either stops, either freezes at some point.
Without the rope constraint it works completely fine:
And with the rope constraint it works like this:
I believe what causes this is that when the rope constraint freezes all animations when its added to any part of the character, so maybe there is a way to override this or there is just another way to keep the same cuff system without the animation bug? Because I don’t want to just drag the person behind or infront of me with changing the CFrames every second, it just doesn’t have those cool vibes
i’m so glad i found out that this is caused by the rope, because i was breaking my mind rewriting all the animation scripts lol
also the animation priority is set to Action