Animation Upload HTTP Error 422

I’m trying to upload an animation, and this error keeps on popping up.

I’ve tried restarting Studio, but the same thing happens every time.

Anything I can do?


have you tried restarting your pc?


This is copy pasted from a mozilla dev page: “The HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 422 Unprocessable Entity code indicates that the server understands the content type of the request entity, and the syntax of the request entity is correct, but it was unable to process the contained instructions.”

Sounds like a problem with processing the raw animation data, That’s a rather complicated one.


After a day it went back to normal.

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Just replying so that others who come across this error won’t get stuck

If the name you export your asset as gets hashtagged in Roblox chat, then it cannot be uploaded. Just hop onto a game real quick and type in your preferred name for your animation, model etc. and see if it hashtags. If it doesn’t, then your good to go!


This really helps! Thanks for the information!

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This should be marked the solution. This helps a lot.

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Thank you so much. Idk why this wasn’t given an exception yet when it happens.

Error sadly still occurs today with no explanation in studio.