Animation uploading failing to function?

Alright so I was up really late last night making some animations for a game I’m working on and I realized that when I pressed “Save to Roblox” on my animation it made the “Submit” button on the upload page turn grey unlike its usual Blue

This should show everything, I even restarted my computer to see if that helped and sure enough it did nothing.

Yes I did try using a animation editor to upload it from there.

This is getting so much attention!!!

It is a studio bug you should try to make another animation to check if it works with a new animation or click the overwrite and go back to see if it is still grey.

It completely doesn’t work at all it just has a grey submit at all times.

You should reinstall Roblox Studio but make sure everything is saved like all your games in a file or published.

I just did that and its still the exact same.

Im sorry but I do not know any other ways.

This has happened to me numerous times and reinstalling studio did not help. After a few days it should be fine, though.

RIP, I wish I could’ve fixed it and it still is not working…

I thought the problem resolved itself. But it’s actually that in the new Studio update you need to give a description. Sorry for the late realisation

WAIT REALLY??? bruh what I tried so many things that didnt work…