Animation vs Tweening

I’m making an obby, so my moving parts must move as smoothly as possible. I’ve noticed some games have elevators that move really jittery and can cause you to fall off, which is exactly the opposite of what I’m trying to do. Would smooth part movement be accomplished via tweeting or custom animation? Thanks for any help.


I think the jitteryniss is just caused by Roblox physics being Roblox physics, I don’t think tweening or custom animation will fix that.

The thing is, I’ve noticed some obbies have accomplished this smooth animation before.

Notice how I’m able to do the wraparounds easily because of the smooth movement:

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Or is it as simple as a HingeConstraint?

I like the custom animation approach. I’ve been using this in my game Fun Mountain on rides and I do have an elevator platform as well. I like not only the smoothness, but the flexibility on what I can do.

I think that you should use lerping. It’s much faster and easier then tweening or anims. correct me if i’m wrong guys; I wish you luck.

Using a rotate animation on a part wont move the character i think Lerp/Tween or using constraint is recomended