Animation with welded Item is effecting players position

No clue why this is happening, When an animation is played on the player (Only effecting the arm) the player moves forward then backwards

the Item (Not a tool) is Massless, non-Anchored, Non-CanCollide, Non-CanQuery and None-CanTouch. It is welded to the players hand

There are a few welds/Hingejoints inside the Item.

Heres a video of what is happening:

Any Ideas?

Set the all of the tool’s part’s collision group to “PlayerTools”, set all of the player’s character parts to “Players”

Set collision groups so that they cannot interact.


Sorry, Still doesn’t work

Buddy, you gotta add them to the groups.

Did you think I just created the groups and not add them?

(Under this code is the standard player collisions code on the DevHub)

(Example of character parts collision group)

(Example of rods part collision group)

If you made it with a rope, the rope could be causing the player to move during the animation.

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I used a rod, But I think you might be right. Removing the Physics related joints and constraints fixes it.

I think I will try and deactivate the Hinges until they’re needed and just use welds
(And remove the Rod)

Ill let you know if this works

WIP - Roblox Studio (

Yep that’s fixed the problem, There is a small jolt when the hinges are enabled, but now I know the cause I should be able to fix this myself.

Thanks for all the help @shadowcrafter2017