Animation won't load for other players until close

Ok so I have this problem where the players don’t load the animations for the character behind them that will fight for them and follow them (stands from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure).

These characters are supposed to stand behind the player and should be visible for other players, but the animations just simply don’t load for other players until close.

I have no idea how to fix this problem and it would be great if you could help me. I couldn’t find anything about this on the internet.

robloxapp-20200719-2118033.wmv (2.3 MB)


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The video you sent doesn’t help me understand your situation, so please correct me if I don’t have a complete understanding on this topic.

You are most likely using a Localscript to fire the animation. Instead of using this, you should use a ServerScript or a Remote Event to fire the animation.

This is only if you don't understand the difference between Client/LocalHost and Server/ServerHost

The server shares values throughout all of the clients on the server. A serverscript can change the values on the server, which then changes it throughout all the clients, but a client can only change the value it got from the server.

Hence, a localscript cannot change values that will be viewed on other players. If you use a remote event and fire it, you can change the values on the serverside.

If you still don’t understand the difference, here is a tutorial explaining the two.


No I am actually using a ModuleScript that’s being used by a script. And sorry if the video didn’t make it clear.

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