Animation wont load

Let’s get straight to the point. I made a jumpscare box so when you die your camera gets teleported to a black box with a jumpscare guy. Everything works besides the jumpscare. It won’t load.


It’s A R6 game with r6 animation

try to put task.wait(5) on line 1?

It still doesn’t work. anything else?

Don’t do this, you might getting banned on Roblox.

Because of the scary jumpscare.

loadanimation is deprecated, but that shouldn’t affect the functionality of your script.

try this:
local anim = hum.Animator:LoadAnimation(script.IdleAnimation)

still doesn’t work. I really need to get this done.

does the humanoid have an animator inside of it?

Yes it does have a humanoid in it.

Is the animation you are using made by you or by a group? If it’s a group game then the animation needs to be uploaded by the group. I had this happen to me last year, took me a while to realize this lol

That sounds dumb. A good amount of horror games have jumpscares, like Piggy. Even old roblox games have jumpscares.

Is it possible that because you’ve set the game to R6 only, it doesn’t work?

Yes, but does the humanoid have an animator inside of it?

Yeah. Still don’t know why it doesn’t load

No, but the game is team create. Does that make any difference?

I’m stumped, the last thing I can think of, did you make the animation, because if you didnt upload the animation yourself, that’s probably why. You said it’s in a teamcreate so maybe someone else in the teamcreate made it? In that case it SHOULD still work but clearly it isnt so it’s worth a shot eh?

Ive never done team create, so I’m not sure, sorry.