Hello I have an animation in my game that will not play. My issue is that the animation will play in literally any other game/place except the one that I want. I have used the same script in different group places and it works in all of my other games except the one I am trying to use it in. I have done nothing special to the player nor the animation script. Can somebody help me out?
--Load animation:
local animate = game.Workspace.billybobtijoseph:FindFirstChild("Animate")
local walk = animate.walk
local run = animate.run
if not walk:FindFirstChild("PreviousAnimation") then
local newVal = Instance.new("StringValue")
newVal.Value = walk.WalkAnim.AnimationId
newVal.Name = "Previous"
newVal.Parent = walk
walk.WalkAnim.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6235001721" --run animaation.
if not run:FindFirstChild("PreviousAnimation") then
local newVal = Instance.new("StringValue")
newVal.Value = run.RunAnim.AnimationId
newVal.Name = "Previous"
newVal.Parent = run
run.RunAnim.AnimationId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6235001721" --run animaation.
You can just start the game go into the character > find the animate script > copy it > stop game > paste it in starter character scripts > add your walk ID in run and walk inside the script and the animations in the values inside the script.
Do you think there is any other way of doing it without using a copy of the Animate script? I want the animate script made by roblox to continue to update as roblox updates.
Do you own the animation? If you do and its in your inventory then it will only work for games made by you, if the game is under a group it must be uploaded to that group.
I’m pretty sure you can’t play animations that are not owned by the game’s owner.
If you want to have an animation play in a group game, the animation either has to be free or made by the group (the animation will work in studio but not in app).
Upload the animation through the group instead of yourself. If it’s a group game you have to publish the animation, and put the creator as your group. It should work then
I dont really get but you are not using animator:LoadAnimation(animationTrack) so it would not work because you are not running any animation(if i read it right).