Animation wont play with bones

animation wont play for some reason: It is also in the local script animate, so when i walk it should play…

local animationId = “11316377887”

local char = script.Parent

local animController = char:FindFirstChildOfClass(“Humanoid”) or char:FindFirstChildOfClass(“AnimationController”)

local animation =“Animation”)

animation.AnimationId = “rbxassetid://” … tostring(animationId)

local animTrack = animController:LoadAnimation(animation)


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You need to do

local animController = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Animator

still doesnt play animation, also this wont fix my problem with the animation during the animate script

This is what i have used in the past, and it seems to have worked pretty reliably:

local character = script.Parent
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local walkAnim = script:WaitForChild("Walk")
local walkAnimTrack = humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(walkAnim)

	if speed > .01 then
		if not walkAnimTrack.IsPlaying then
		if walkAnimTrack.IsPlaying then

It still doesnt play… i think its something wrong with the rig, or animation but idk what

try check if it a group animation if it is your own animation then try to make a group animation.

It is an animation uploaded from a file so its not a group animation

where you publish the game? on group?

no on my profile… its a own project

so the animation need in your profile
you can publish the animation again but switch it to your profile

i am, i set the creator to “Me”

but the id? you get from your profile?

wym, im confused and dont understand

what is the animation priority set to? I think it needs to be set to movement

still dont play, i think its the rig

i mean when you publish the animation to your profile did you copy the new id and put it in animation?

ya i did but it still dont work do u know if anything wrong with rig

well i cant help u rn, the thing i can tell you now is check your animation id and place you publish it

Well i am currently facing the same problem, did anyone find a solution about it?