Animation won't play

Hi, I am making a viewmodel for my guns but the animation won’t play. Inside each of my viewmodels, I have an animation controller with an animator and I am loading the animations on the animator.

fireAnim ="Animation")
			fireAnim.Parent = framework.viewmodel
			fireAnim.Name = "Fire"
			fireAnim.AnimationId = framework.module.fireAnim
			fireAnim = framework.viewmodel.AnimationController.Animator:LoadAnimation(fireAnim)

framework.viewmodel is the viewmodel, framework.module is just the module script that is for the gun. fireAnim = “rbxassetid://88156087691075”;

I used moon animator if it helps.

This is nil, as the error implies. Your indexing a nil value with AnimationController. That’s the code before you index, so it must be nil.

Print what framework and framework.viewmodel is before the problematic line of code!