Animation Won't Rotate As It Should

Hey, I’m having an issue where the player’s lower torso won’t rotate as it should when on a Skateboard Platform?

Here is what it looks like -
Screenshot 2021-07-13 163257
Here is what it should look like -

Thank you for your help!

Here are the Scripts Involving the Animation

function GetAnimation(AnimName)
	if not Humanoid then
	local RigType = Humanoid.RigType
	if RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15 then
		return Animations["R15"][AnimName]

function SetAnimation(Mode, Value)
	if Mode == "Play" and Value and SkateboardEquipped and CheckIfAlive() then
		for i, v in pairs(ActiveAnimations) do
			if v.Animation == Value.Animation then
				table.remove(ActiveAnimations, i)
		local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Value.Animation)
		table.insert(ActiveAnimations, {Animation = Value.Animation, AnimationTrack = AnimationTrack})
		AnimationTrack:Play(Value.FadeTime, Value.Weight, Value.Speed)
	elseif Mode == "Stop" and Value then
		for i, v in pairs(ActiveAnimations) do
			if v.Animation == Value.Animation then
				table.remove(ActiveAnimations, i)
	SetAnimation("Play", {Animation = GetAnimation("CoastingPose")})
	InvokeServer("Equipped", Character)

Animations = {
	R15 = {
		BoardKick = R15Anims:WaitForChild("BoardKick"),
		CoastingPose = R15Anims:WaitForChild("CoastingPose"),
		LeftTurn = R15Anims:WaitForChild("LeftTurn"),
		RightTurn = R15Anims:WaitForChild("RightTurn"),
		Ollie = R15Anims:WaitForChild("Ollie")

Humanoid:LoadAnimation() has been deprecated. Please use Animator:LoadAnimation(), where Animator is a child of the Humanoid.

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I replaced
Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Value.Animation) with AnimationTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(Value.Animation) and it didn’t work

Can you please be more specific whats the error? It would be difficult for me if I don’t understand clearly.

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I replaced it and nothing happened, there was no errors but the still did rotate as it should

My idea is that since your character is on the skateboard, the lower torso gets locked into that specific position.

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I made animations for R6 and they worked which is weird

I have the same issue, please someone that knows the solution let us know