Animation won't work

Im trying to animate a sword. I have the script set up, and the animation. Though when I click my mouse the animation plays like this:

robloxapp-20210718-1529103.wmv (466.3 KB)

Its supposed to swing the sword, like a big slash

Edit: Click open with movies and tv to view the video

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Could you try uploading the gif on another website? The gif you provided just comes up with a 404 error

Click the link and click open, then with movies and tv. Or you could just download it.

got any ideas on what the issue is?

Not sure, I haven’t really worked with animations much. Is there anything in the script modifying the Orientation or CFrame of a part? Or maybe you messed up the actual animation itself?

Another animation could be overriding it aswell if you set the animation priority lower than the default iirc.

To me it honestly looks like the animation is just ending too soon.

I can try to make it longer

Honestly this getting really dumb. I made this great animation and when I load it back in it has deleted some key frames, that I’d have to recreate the entire animation again! This is annoying since I have had to do this 4 times already. Why can’t it just work for once. It never works.

What animation editor are you using? Thats kinda odd, I’ve never had that happen to me before

I’m using roblox’s

Weird. Sorry that happened to you I hope you can get it fixed. Just let me know if you need anything else.

Is there a chance that you can try the animation, see if it is weird on your side? Just make a tool with a handle, copy this script into a local script (in the tool). And swing the tool. See if the animation is weird like mine.

local tool = script.Parent

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local InputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local InputType = Enum.UserInputType

local animation = nil
local slashAnimation = nil

	animation ="Animation")
	animation.AnimationId = "rbxassetid://7117348680"
	slashAnimation = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)

	slashAnimation = nil
doesnt exist.
local debounce = false
InputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, processed) 
	if input.UserInputType == InputType.MouseButton1 and slashAnimation and not processed then --And not processed means "If they aren't typing then..."
		if debounce then return end 
		debounce = true
		debounce = false

I would but there is no possible way for me to try the animation because Roblox doesn’t allow you to make animations public yet, so it would just not work for me, unless perhaps you uploaded this animation to a group

In that case I am absolutely stumped. I’ve been working on this, and just this for 3 days.

I tested it in my game and it worked just fine, so it’s probably an animation problem.

ya it is, I figured it out. Forgot to set the priority.

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your editor probably just glitched out and removed keyframes.