I made the animation and exported it so I should own it, I tried replacing the default walk animation by copying and pasting the “Animate” script and changing the ids, and I’ve created a local script inside the StarterCharacter (The starterchar moves fine and jumps, but does not play animation) and it will print that the time position does not change from 0 and the animation never stops (.Stopped:Wait()). This is a blender rig I found in the toolbox, but again it works in the animation editor. If you need to see other info just let me know
If you found it in the toolbox maybe it has some problem by itself
If you want animation on the character, try this Model, and if it works for you, give me a solution
Ok, is there a way to see what it needs to work and stuff? And it still works in the animation editor
Sorry but I don’t know, if I can’t see the model I don’t know how to help you, maybe also try contacting the creator of the model, if he’s on the DevForum
the animation does not play on the blender rig character
Search on YouTube for sure someone will explain it to you
Wait so should every rigged model be able to play the roblox default dance thing? Does that mean that every rigged model needs a Head, Torso, RightArm and stuff like that?
From what I know every rigged model needs a head, torso, and a humanoid to play animations if I’m not wrong
yes the model gave a script, and I put it in the rigged model (which is a crocodile) and a regular player model, the regular player model danced, the crocodile stayed still
Put a script in the character and create a animation in script and put ID animation and done
it still didnt play after changing the animation id to the animation i created for the crocodile
Nooooo, I mean it’s animation like this:
I mean that animation does not move or do anything. I mean that
what am i looking at in the picture, what do you mean
I mean, it doesn’t move the animation
what doesnt move the animation
He means that the animation doesn’t move, the animation doesn’t play, the animation is simply stuck
Ok, yes I can see that his guy isn’t playing an animation but what does that mean or what should i do