Animation works in studio but not in game

Hello! I’m looking for some help :
I have an animation in a tool (tool is in starter pack), that when equipped should play. This works perfectly in the studio however not in game. I have used the same script (local script) with other tools just recently and they work as they should in the studio AND in game. My game belongs to a group and yes, I have read other topics and I do know that my animation should also belong to the same group for them to work and that’s exactly what I’ve done, I’ve even tried reuploading the same animation multiple times!

Here are a couple images :

How the animation looks in the studio
In game
The script

I do not receive any errors what so ever and the problem cannot be the animation because it works in another test game I’ve made. I can’t seem to find a solution anywhere.

Dev console (in game) :

Perhaps I’m missing something or is this just a random bug?
(This is my first topic so I apologise if I’ve done anything wrong)


im not sure if this works for you but it did work for me… try uploading the same animation to something other than your profile like a group or something and try again.

If the animation fails to load, the animation won’t play.

I don’t receive any errors that tell me the animation has failed to load in, so I assume it has.

Can I see the developer console? Both the client and the server console.

I’ve edited the topic with the images ^^

I have tried reuploading the animation to my group, I can’t upload it to my profile since my game is under the group so the animations must also be under the group for them to work in game.

Animations not loading shouldn’t create errors(at least they don’t for me)
try loading the animations inside the functions instead of outside them

Alright, turns out I was able to fix the problem by reuploading my animation from a different rig, I don’t know why this worked but it did.

I thank everyone who tried to help. Have a nice day!