AnimationEditor - Can not load animations without loadstring()

The AnimationEditor plugin does not allow me to load existing AnimSaves because it tries to run loadstring() from a stringvalue containing all the animation properties.

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Obviously loadstring() was disabled, but perhaps the AnimationEditor could be updated to reflect on these changes and come up with a different solution to edit animations. I normally use the load system to make modifications to the animation properties (the animation time, changing cframe values, etc)

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It was just using loadstring because it was the fastest deseralization tool available at the time. Now it should be changed to use Encode/DecodeJSON on the HTTPService, which are much faster than what it’s doing right now.

The change shouldn’t be that difficult, only about 20 lines of code I think.

Is there a difference between the httpservice thing and the RbxUtility lib? Sounds like they do the exact same thing…

They do do the exact same thing (Minus a small bug in the RbxUtility library version that mis-handles an edge-case). However, the HttpService one is implemented on the C-side, while the RbxUtility one is implemented in Lua, so the HttpService one is significantly faster (I think 5x faster last I checked).

Should be fixed now.