The AnimationEditor plugin does not allow me to load existing AnimSaves because it tries to run loadstring() from a stringvalue containing all the animation properties.
Obviously loadstring() was disabled, but perhaps the AnimationEditor could be updated to reflect on these changes and come up with a different solution to edit animations. I normally use the load system to make modifications to the animation properties (the animation time, changing cframe values, etc)
It was just using loadstring because it was the fastest deseralization tool available at the time. Now it should be changed to use Encode/DecodeJSON on the HTTPService, which are much faster than what it’s doing right now.
The change shouldn’t be that difficult, only about 20 lines of code I think.
They do do the exact same thing (Minus a small bug in the RbxUtility library version that mis-handles an edge-case). However, the HttpService one is implemented on the C-side, while the RbxUtility one is implemented in Lua, so the HttpService one is significantly faster (I think 5x faster last I checked).