AnimationPriority doesn't work

The issue i’m having is that my animation script is not playing an animation. when I disable game.Players.LocalPlayer.Animate, the script begins working again, but is buggy. No, the animation is not anyone else’s in case u were wondering

Enum.AnimationPriority is set to Action, and when I print the animation priority it returns action, wo why does this happen, still?


seat = script.Parent
function added(child)
	if (child.className=="Weld") then
		local human = child.part1.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		human.Parent.Animate.Disabled = true
		human.Parent.Animate.Disabled = false
		if human ~= nil then
			anim = human:LoadAnimation(seat.sitanim)
			anim.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
			script.Parent.IsSeated.Value = true

function removed(child)
	if anim ~= nil then
		script.Parent.IsSeated.Value = false


Try changing :AdjustSpeed(0) to :AdjustSpeed(1)

Does the animation play at all?

I just need to know if it’s because you’re trying to use someone else’s animation on your place or a friend is doing it on theirs and some other things

It’s my animation. The animation kind of plays enough to be noticeable, but then becomes overrided by the character animate script. I’ve already mentioned this

ah, alright. Sorry about that (charlimit)

edited to make it clearer, btw

its all good (30limitchar30limitchar)

It works for me so I don’t get why it wont work for you

It DOES? does this mean i’m actually not a trash scripter?
did u use localscript?
where was the script located for u

I just used your script in a server script lol

but I didn’t realize it doesn’t stop when you get up

edit: nevermind, I just didn’t have the bool value

The script works fine, I don’t see the problem. If it was in a local script then that was the problem

can u help me rescript it please?

let me just paste the whole bundle so you get an idea
campfire.rbxm (92.4 KB)

Seems fine, I’m not sure how it doesn’t work

Not sure how I’m meant to help with this one since I’ve never had this happen to me

that’s not how the animation goes o_o

It’s one of mine since I can’t use yours lol

Is the animation not looped?

If that is the case I believe you should be able to just do: anim.Looped = true

Anyways I wish you luck, for I should be going to bed.