Animations and Faces not loading

Animations and Faces not loading in roblox studio or in roblox client and in multiple games
multiple people having the same issue.

bug stinky

Expected behavior

animations and faces should work/load.

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forgot to link the image
bug stinky

I am also having this issue. getting tons of animation errors.

I’m suddenly unable to load Roblox-made animations (animation packs) into the game at run-time too. This means my custom avatar animator script is not working currently as it relies on getting the player’s animation pack using their HumanoidDescription and loading the animation assets in server-side using InsertService.

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Same here. Unfortunately, this seems to be affecting a lot of players now.

roblox avatar profile pictures starting to not load now also, not sure if its related

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It looks like some faces do load while some do not. I’ve noticed a bunch of faces under the ‘Limited’ and ‘LimitedU’ category do not load it’s texture onto avatars… Definitely something is wrong with AssetDeliveryService in-experience and studio atm

Seems to be resolved now. Likely a temporary outage.

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