This bug allows shift-locked players to move unusually faster due to a physics glitch. It happens when something is welded to the character (such as equipping a tool) while an animation that offsets them from the origin is playing. The greater the transition from the origin is, the worse it becomes.
This is still a bug (replying because I can’t create a post about it).
In this animation cutscene the two characters move far away from their HumanoidRootParts, after that a chest zipper is attached to the target, weld creates a very undesired behavior.
lmao, i remember this being a huge problem back then to me, turns out it’s still a thing? in case ya’ll are still finding answers, make some of the parts that are welded massless and play around with it, you’ll be able to fix the issue.
in my testing, never tried messing around with massless after the weld was set but i’ll go back in see. i made this cutscene animation and during it, i welded a part to the players right arm (the part was massless, cancollide false) and for some reason still kept having this super weird bug. after an hour and a half discord session with a friend of mine, we figured out a very weird solution on accident. if you weld another part to the arm that originally had the weld connected to it you end up fixing the issue. extremely weird issue but i couldn’t find any other solution.