Animations being weird on the server

Animations only play 90% of the time. Script:

local Tool = script.Parent
local AnimationsFolder = Tool:FindFirstChild(“Animations”)
local Idle = AnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild(“Idle”)
local Slash = AnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild(“Slash”)
local Diagonal = AnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild(“Diagonal”)

local IdleTrack;
local SlashTrack;
local DiagonalTrack;

function GetPlayer(Character)
local Player = game:GetService(“Players”):GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
if Player then
return Player

local Player = GetPlayer(Tool.Parent)
if Player then
local Character = Player.Character
if Character then
local Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”)
if Humanoid then
IdleTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Idle)

if IdleTrack then

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Instead of using a script inside of the tool, I would suggest amending the Animate script that a player spawns with.

I would do something like this:

function onRunning(speed)	
	if speed > 0.75 then
		local scale = 16.0
		playAnimation("walk", 0.2, Humanoid)
		setAnimationSpeed(speed / scale)
		pose = "Running"
		if emoteNames[currentAnim] == nil and not currentlyPlayingEmote and not Character.ToolName then
			playAnimation("idle", 0.2, Humanoid)
			pose = "Standing"
		elseif emoteNames[currentAnim] == nil and not currentlyPlayingEmote and Character.ToolName then
                        local a = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Character.ToolName.AnimationsFolder:FindFirstChild("Idle")

In regards to any other animations that may involve multiple animations (such as animation playing when both running and walking), I would use LoadAnimation on a normal script (my method was just for idle animations).

Let me know if this works or not.

Oh. I’m making a weapon. Thank you for the help anyway

No, my code was for detecting when the player had the weapon out and playing a constant animation when doing so.

Unless the IdleTrack was for something else? If it was then I apologise I could not be of much (if any) help.

The animation is looped, so a loop isn’t needed, I just need to figure out why the animation isn’t working some times.

I had a similar issue that started happening late last week. Was not able to reproduce the issue in studio, only when playing on a server.

I have a series of 4 non-looped animations that are loaded when the client spawns. About 5% of the time the animations just silently fail to load.
You can call :Play() on them and nothing happens. I don’t see any script errors but if you query the animation objects later, you’ll see the animation lengths are all zero.

For now I just put in a really hacky loop to load all the animations 5 times on startup, it’s horrible but it fixed the problem for now. This feels like a platform bug, I was planning on checking over my code first before raising it.

Put ``` on the start and the end of your code so the programmers can see it easier.