So I’m designing a FPS that allows for 3rd person along with first person.
The problem is that I want my first person viewmodel to have the same animations as 3rd person so they look like they’re different.
The problem is that I’ve noticed that in my viewmodel, if I keep the primary part’s name to “Torso”, the animations still work but unfortunately roblox auto enables cancollide to the torso and so when you zoom in, your character just starts getting extreme velocity.
I already tried using renderstepped, stepped, and heart beat to disable it. It’s not as bad but you can still get high velocity if you do some trickery glitches.
However I dont have the same problem if I name the Torso to something like “Main” but then the animations break because I think roblox animations break once you change a bodypart’s name(oddly though it seems fine when you import to animation plugin)
If anyone knows a fix let me know, thank you.