I am wondering how I should make animations involving humanoids and parts. Like a character bending down and picking up a rock. ( I know how to animate the humanoid. But I have never done it with parts before.)
How do I make a car sway from left to right? Like it has skidded on some ice.
Do you have an example? or a Video I can refer to? Because what I am trying to do is to get a character to pick up a rock. The character wont have a rock at the start. It will just be a part on the ground
You could make an animation, play it, wait certain amount of time and then after certain amount of time the weld code would run and would break the weld with the ground and replace it with a weld to the arm. Sorry for my broken english.
Have a nice day.
You could name the parts of the car player object name (left hand, rightupperarm, torso, head, etc.), and then use the Roblox animation editor plugin to edit it.