Animations don't load in studio anymore since yesterday

Since yesterday night (or whenever changes got pushed to studio yesterday) animations have stopped working correctly in studio in situations where they would before.

This has never been an issue until very recently.

(For example, place ID 9686896720)


The whole sanitization issue began around August. This needs to be fixed asap.

I have the same problem as you, the animations in my game have completely stopped working and gives me the same error.

Like everyone within the replies, this should be fixed by now, but it’s apparently not for whatever reason, and it needs to be fixed.

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This just error just hit me as well.

Newly uploaded animations show the error:
Failed to load animation - sanitized ID: rbxassetid://xxxxxxxxxxx

This bug is retroactive. Animations I uploaded from 2 months ago show the same error, these animations worked until a few days ago. While we can reupload these animations, it appears to update them to the newer animation engine which can cause issues.
This needs to get fixed x.x

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Animations must be owned by the experience owner (or owned by Roblox user) in order to be used in an experience. Here is a guide on how to reupload animations: Sharing Animations | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If this is already the case with your animations and you are still seeing errors, please post your place ID + animation asset IDs so we can further take a look. Thank you!

The animations are already present in the group the game is under, and in the case of animations not owned I am specifically refering to my own user case, where I could load these animations from my other groups in studio before and now I can’t.

But that is not the problem; the issue here is that no animations owned by the user or a group the user has access to load in studio during playtest.

This was never an issue until Friday.


All the developers on this specific place have access to the animations in the Storage group, but are now unable to load them, including myself.

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The game is under MetaMethod Development. Are the animations uploaded to MetaMethod Storage? If so, the animations are not working because they are not under the same group as the experience.

As to why this stopped working recently, there was a fix released that patched this vulnerability. This has always been the policy for animations. Animation sharing without re-uploading is not possible right now.

We have hundreds of animations across our different games. This damages our workflow tremendously, I’m surprised it was actually intentional.

Re-uploading all of those animations for all of our projects is something that cannot be done quickly and would take away from more productive things we could be spending our time on otherwise.

What if the developer only has access to edit on a specific place within the group; would they still be able to access the animations as long as those animations are uploaded inside the group the place is on? In the past this has not been the case, hence why we had a Storage group they have access to all animations on.

If it is true that this is not planned to be fixed or at least temporarily halted until a better solution can come up, then our workflow will be effectively paralysed with no way to solve it on our end. The entire reason we even have different groups besides security is in order for animations to work since they lack the same permissions other assets have.
This is really disappointing.

The group they are under is accessible with place-editing permission by the developers. This change needs to be put on hold until animations can be granted access to other places.

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As to why this stopped working recently, there was a fix released that patched this vulnerability.

Can we reexamine why it’s considered a vulnerability to allow animations to be visible in an experience, when the animation owner/publisher has edit permissions for said experience?

Before the behavior seemed to at least not impact studio - I could see my own animations as I worked on my game (which publishes to a test server account first)

Without warning I now can’t even see my own animations in studio for my own experience, something that has been working for over a year.

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Hi all, we’ve reverted the change. Please let me know if things are fixed now!

The team will look into solving this another way.