Animations dont work on models even though Animation Editor works

hello, i was making a script for my game that runs an animation from the server. But it seems to not work.

local animctrl = script.Parent.AnimationController
local anim = script.Parent.Anim_EnterModel

animctrl.Animator:LoadAnimation(anim):Play(1, 0, 0)

this is an animation for a model, and it is welded and motor6 stuff are added to it.
Inside the model is 2 meshparts, one is “Hinge” and one is “MainPart”

I tried everything but it doesnt work, how do i fix this?

Have you tried using Tween Service?

Besure to set the priority and looped or not.

local animationTrack = animctrl.Animator:LoadAnimation(anim)
animationTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.[priority you want often higher than core]
animationTrack.Looped = true or false depending on what your animation is

If it is an idle animation set loop to true

Btw, running animations in server is a bad idea, you should run it in a client

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