Animations Fail?

NOTICE I have seen another thread stating there animations are also not playing, this could be a roblox bug!

I have been making a climbing system for a gamepass in my game that you will be able to purchase. When linking animations to it I’ve ran in to a few problems? It spits out no errors, and prints “PLAYED” like it should.

I was wondering if anyone had any idea on why this may be happening? This is the code I used to load an animation in…

function runAnimation(id)
lclimb = script:FindFirstChild(“L-CLIMB”)
animation = Char:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”):LoadAnimation(lclimb)

Here is a gif of what it looks like…

Did you set the animation priority as high as it can go? (You set it through the animation editor.)

Character movement animations override animations with the default priority, I believe.


Would I see this in the actual editor or in the animation object?

See here :wink: