Mostly people use them in Require Executor games, and these scripts include animations.
But I have a question, how are the animations playing, even if they aren’t made by the game creator?
Since everyone knows, if you don’t own the animation it won’t play.
So, how do they do it?
My best guess is that they use server-side executors that insert some kind of a virus into the Roblox process and then they can use that virus to do everything on the server-side. I’ve heard of it before but I don’t know if it’s still possible cause filtering enabled is a thing now and lots of security measurements against exploiters have been taken.
These animations are not actually using the Animator. They destroy the animator, and manually set the Motor6D cframes. This is on the server, because Motor6D cframes don’t replicate from client to server.
Quick to make, but restricting:
The way exactly they do it is usually a combination of math.cos, math.sin, lerping, as well as other math specific to make the animation look the way they want.
Time consuming, but more creative freedom:
The way I would go about it is to make an actual animation, and make a plugin to record all the Motor6D cframes and create an object out of it. Then make a module to play it back with blending and all of that stuff.
Basically, you convert an animations keyframes into cframe then, insert all of them in a table. Then with the table, you lerp a c1 to each cframe per renderstep for example.