I discovered that my NPC animations on some of my models behave as if one side of them is anchored when it is not, causing the flying animation to be lop-sided. I have not changed any code related to these NPCs, and I first discovered this on August 28th. These NPCs had worked as expected previous to this. The NPCs have an Attachment, AlignOrientation, and AlignPosition inside of the Root of the model, and it is animated with an Animator. When the Root is anchored, the animation plays normally, however, when the Root is unanchored, the animation plays lop-sided, and behaves like one of the wings is anchored when it is not. The model has a script that changes the position of the model with AlignPosition.
Anchored Root:
Unanchored Root:
Step 1: Play test the file. The butterfly moves around, but the animation is lop-sided on one wing.
Step 2: Stop the playtest, go to the Root of the Butterfly model inside of the Explorer, and change the property “Anchored” to true.
Step 3: Run the playtest again. The butterfly will not move, but the animation is playing like it is supposed to.
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