Animations look different then in the editor (Moon animator)

So I made an animation for an enemy for my game using moon animator and it looked great. But for some reason in game it looks really weird and not how I made it.

(Me idiot deleted the file of the anime by accident so ye).
The original anim make the legs extend and go out from the body like a walk cycle works. (You can imagine it like a good quality walking anim).
But in game it looks like this lol. (The legs have very little movement to them).

The anim is being loaded by an animaton controller bc the model has no humanoid.

FWIW: you can retrieve the keyframe sequence that was created for upload with GetKeyframeSequenceAsync. Granted though, Moon Animator has a different process for creating the actual keyframe sequence thatā€™s upload-ready so you should check the sequence in the editor.

This could be because of.

  1. The above post.

  2. Your rig is not rigged correctly.

  3. Animation Weight.

That was the thing, kinda stupid that it matters so much what type of animation editor you use

i have had this happen before, it has been mainly due to the modelā€™s ā€˜Scaleā€™ property. check if the scale property is set to 1, if it is not then click the arrow next to it and things should be good again! if it still didnā€™t fix, it may require a bit of re-animating :grimacing:

Ye sadly the model has to be my lil size bc Iā€™m making a td game

you have to set scale to 1 and scale down everything INside model

Do what @Miserable_Haven Said, Select the Model and scroll through the properties, there will be a ā€œScaleā€ property, Make sure that is at 1, If you do this the Objects AKA Model will be huge. What you want to do is select ALL the objects INSIDE the model and Scale them down, make sure you donā€™t have the actual model selected because that could affect the ā€œScaleā€ Property and ruin the animation. Hopefully this helps anyone else, since itā€™s a common issue with TD games and FPS games!

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