It appears that animations load fine on my client, however other character’s animations do not load. Their arms and leg poses move, however their other parts do not.
This bug seems to have started since yesterday, and sometimes the parts animate normally.
Here are a handful of examples. These are all players that use my assets that run on animations.
You can see the weapon clipping through the torso in most of them (the only exception in the second photo, the character on the left is holding it normally).
I know I’m supposed to be posting this in the bug reports section of the DevForum but I don’t have the role to do that.
Does anyone know what caused this? I have my animations being loaded from the Animator on the localside.
Could you elaborate on this any further? (specifically the loaded from the animator bit)
I only have any good experience with animating on the r15 side of things, but I have noticed in the past that not loading and playing my animations server side has caused some slight issues but nothing quite as severe as this.
I’m not aware of any actual technical roblox bugs relating to r6 animations but since r6 has been pushed to the sideline for the most part, there might be some new bugs since then. The more information you can provide on how exactly you’re loading the animations, the more I can help you.
First I get the player and the character (the usual stuff).
Then, I wait for the character’s humanoid. Then from the character’s humanoid, I wait for the animator.
local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character
if not Character or not Character.Parent then
Character = Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Animator = Humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
From there, I load my animations.
local RecoverIdle = Animator:LoadAnimation(FiringFolder.RecoverIdle)
--Assume FiringFolder is a folder full of Animation objects in the workspace
local Fire = Animator:LoadAnimation(FiringFolder.Fire)
local Misfire = Animator:LoadAnimation(FiringFolder.Misfire)
-- etc etc.