Animations not loading in correctly

still not fixed :sob::sob: has anyone found a way to fix it?

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Any updates on this? Iā€™ve been having problems where my characters will not play animatiosn until you are within a few studs distance from them

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Iā€™m currently mailing back and forth with one of the staff members, he said they rolled out an update but it didnā€™t seem to work.
Though, it is relieving that theyā€™re actively trying to do somethingā€¦


Yeah, thatā€™s good to hear. I was really doubting my scripting abilities when I found this bug and got stuck on it for nearly a week

I hope this is fixed soon. Itā€™s been ongoing for months and itā€™s really game breaking


As of august 22nd the issue is still ongoing

I donā€™t know how or why you guys are instancing motor6ds for your games, but I found a fix for my own game, and I thought Iā€™d share it here.

What I was doing was that to attach my gun models to the playerā€™s character, I create a new motor6d and attach the gunā€™s handle to the playerā€™s character, while deleting the previous gun model, every time the player switched weapons.

I implemented a new system, where instead of deleting the entire gun model every time and instancing a new one, Iā€™d create all of the Motor6Ds when the character loads, as well as some welds. Iā€™d then just enable/disable the motor6ds, as well the the welds (I weld them to a random part somewhere else) depending on what weapons I wanted the player to become rigged to.

Doing this fixed the problem for me, and additionally Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s better performance-wise than using :Destroy() and every time the player switches their weapon.

If you donā€™t want to wait on roblox, want a slight performance buff, and this is applicable to your own game, I think you should consider changing it

Debatable, the server has to keep track of the existing parts whereas removing them takes a small load of memory off the server/client. Itā€™s nothing dramatic on performance at all though, just slightly impractical.

Caching parts instead of instancing them improved performance dramatically for my game, most notably on the bullets inside of my game. Iā€™m sure this would also apply to Motor6Ds, and even if they didnā€™t, youā€™ll still have to wait for Roblox to fix the issue on their end, and deal with a broken game until then

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