Animations not loading in live game - for group game only

I created a couple custom seating animation poses that are working fine in studio and if I save the exact same game to a non-group game. However, once I try to save the game as a group game (as it should be as I didn’t make the game myself), the animations disappear. I am still quite noobish so don’t have a clue about why this is happening or how to fix it.

Here is the animation as it should look and ( does look in the live single owner game or in studio of either version of the game):
First one -

Second one -

and here is the lame default seating animation that you get in the live group owned game:
First one -

Second one - is much like the first … you get the idea…

The animations are owned by the group and not just by me.

Does anyone know why this might be happening ?

Here is the link to the group game
Game Of Kings - Backgammon - Roblox

Here is the link to the exact same game saved as my own game
Testing Copy of Game of Kings - Roblox

The game isn’t finished yet so functionality is a bit glitchy rn

Thanks for any help

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Are you sure the animations aren’t attached to your profile?

If the game is uploaded to a group, the animations must be uploaded to the group.

If the game is uploaded to your profile, the animations must be uploaded to your profile.

The animations are uploaded to the group… so they should work for the group. I did say the group owned the animations in my post.

and you’re certain you’ve changed the animation ids to the group ones?

They are attached to my profile as I saved them as my own animations first. However I saved them again with different names as group animations. Same animation different names but it looks like the same asset number now that I look at it… which is odd? How do I get the id number to change?

They should not be the same asset ID as far as I know. Maybe you are using the ID under your creations rather than group creations. To see the group creations and animations, go to the create tab on the Roblox website, and select “Group Creations”. This image might help locate the group animation.

Once again, I’m not sure if this is the issue but navigate to this page and see if the group animation is there. The group animation should have a different asset ID.

the asset ids are the same for both the group and my own animations … how is that even possible? When I am in the animation editor and try to save as a new animation it just saves the same animation id but with a new name. If I try to save the asset from the explorer menu the same thing happens… I have a bunch of the same animations ids now saved with different names and different owners.

They aren’t the same, each new animation has an individual asset id.

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more thinking - Roblox - this is the asset that I own

seated thoughts - Roblox - this is the same animation but the one that the group owns…

HOWEVER… check this out…

  1. the animation does not show up on the group creations page (first image) BUT it does show up in the group models toolbox (second image)

- no “seated thoughts” there

-there are the “seated thoughts”

  1. when added to the game from the toolbox the asset id from my animation is loaded and not the group’s id
    Game Of Kings - Backgammon - Roblox Studio (

Is this a studio bug I’ve stumbled upon? Because if I right click “seated thoughts” from the toolbox and choose “view in browser” it brings me to the animation’s page with the right group id and not my personal id.

please see my reply to Nitro… you are right they have separate id’s but by some glitch or mistake on my part the wrong id was getting loaded despite my choosing to pick the group animation in the toolbox.

Thanks for you help!

Oof… I almost forgot… thanks for you help!

That is interesting, the animation you saved to your profile was uploaded as an “animation” and as far as you have told me it works, however you did note the group animation - seated thoughts - was uploaded as a model instead of animation.

I’m not sure what occurred in this scenario.

yep… and while the model imports as a animation from the toolbox (with the wrong asset id) the right asset id when pasted manually into the properties window doesn’t work either. Sigh I guess I will just have to create brand new animations and save them as group animations initially to ensure they work… But how are animators supposed to sell their work if you can’t transfer ownership?

From what I know I’ve never actually had animations working on other people’s team create, even on a group.

Really? That’s … … not how it should be though right? Is this a known issue that is going to get improved or something?

I don’t know tbh. Maybe? I am not sure, but yeah.