I was testing new enemies for my game and noticed an issue when they spawn in. Enemies spawning for will have a chance have their animations not load properly. This usually leads to enemy having their animations not complete the full motion. I also have this issue for other enemies (not shown in the video) but it is less common. Is this a programming issue or a Roblox limitation?
How it’s supposed to look: https://youtu.be/ZozNo543mlY
How bugged animations look: https://youtu.be/CHzFlfN0FJY
Spawning Function, which is inside a module script and is being called by a server script. The enemy cloner is stored in server storage.
Objects inside the enemy, the meshparts contain motor6ds and i used this enemy to make animations.
local function spawnEnemy(character)
local raycastorigin = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(-30,30),150,math.random(-30,30))
local raycastDirection = Vector3.new(0,-500,0)
local raycastresult = workspace:Raycast(raycastorigin,raycastDirection)
if raycastresult then
local Enemy = math.random(1,5)
if Enemy == 1 or Enemy == 2 or Enemy == 3 then
Enemy = enemyFolder:FindFirstChild("Drako"):Clone()
spawnWaveCD += 10
elseif Enemy == 4 or Enemy == 5 then
Enemy = enemyFolder:FindFirstChild("Scout"):Clone()
spawnWaveCD += 14
elseif Enemy == 6 then
Enemy = enemyFolder:FindFirstChild("Goblin Mage"):Clone()
spawnWaveCD += 20
Enemy.Parent = NPCFolder
local status = Enemy:WaitForChild("Status",1)
Enemy.Status.Value = "TRACKING"
raycastresult = nil