Hi, I’m working on my game’s lobby,
And just yesterday everything was working fine, all the animations were playing and it was OK.
Now, when I load the game none of the animations load apart from the ones loaded on the player.
I have tried just about everything, including repeating the animation, waiting 10 - 15 seconds, etc
Here is the code:
local Animation = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Shared.Assets.Animations.Player:WaitForChild("Lobby/Walk", true)
local Values = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Shared.Assets.Values
local LowSpeed = Values.LowValueAnimationSpeed.Value
local HighSpeed = Values.HighValueAnimationSpeed.Value
for i, v in script.Parent:GetChildren() do
task.wait(math.random(0, 100) / 100)
if v:IsA("Model") then
local Animator = v:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Animator", true)
local T : AnimationTrack = Animator:LoadAnimation(Animation)
repeat task.wait() until T.Length > 0.05
T.Looped = true
T.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Action
T:AdjustSpeed(math.random(LowSpeed,HighSpeed) / 100)
print("Loaded" .. v.Name, Animation, T, T.Length)
I have no idea why it doesn’t work. The output is as expected:
12:44:57.678 LoadedPlayer4 Lobby/Walk Lobby/Walk 0.8666666746139526 - Server - Animate:20
12:44:57.788 LoadedPlayer1 Lobby/Walk Lobby/Walk 0.8666666746139526 - Server - Animate:20
12:44:57.976 LoadedPlayer3 Lobby/Walk Lobby/Walk 0.8666666746139526 - Server - Animate:20
12:44:58.288 LoadedPlayer2 Lobby/Walk Lobby/Walk 0.8666666746139526 - Server - Animate:20
so I dont know.
Here is a screenshot:
Any help would be appreciated!
(The animation is owned + created by me, the creator of the game. The animation does exist. There is an animator in each of the model’s Humanoids.)