Animations not running on a rigged mesh character

Hello, I’m trying to use a custom rigged mesh as the Starter Character. It’s rigged correctly and imported to Roblox how it should be, it can be animated and it loads correctly as the character. The character consists of only one mesh that contains all the bones, a humanoid object, and the core Animate script.

The issue is that I am not able to get any animations to run in the Character when I run the game.

I’ve tried using the core Animate script with no success, and I’m honestly too new to bones and animation scripting that I’m a bit lost.

  • What solutions do you have to this problem?
  • How would you approach a script to animate custom meshes?
  • Is the core Animate script necessary?




Thanks for reading and I hope we can find a solution.

Whatever animation IDs you put in the Animate default local script should play correctly if the rig matches the data for it, have you tried playing it with the command bar and see if it still has issues?

I personally haven’t tried to make a whole skinned mesh rig with basic animations, I only used it for an hair animation so far.

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I did change the IDs, I’ll try to run the animations with the command bar and see how it goes.

It didn’t work, but I may have found what the issue is. Even though I already insert the Animate script before running the game, it’s overridden by an animate script that requires certain bones and body parts my rig doesn’t have. I don’t know exactly what to do.

Found my issue, sorry for the inconvenience, I left the Animation controller inside and had a Humanoid as well, got rid of the controller and it works fine now.

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