Animations not visible to other players

my friend tested my sword fighting game and he couldn’t see the animations meanwhile i can see both but when i played with someone else he said they worked. this problem appeared so many times i’m afraid of making animations since they don’t work on other players.
here is a screenshot of the sword stuff

this is the script:

local tool = script.Parent

local idleAnim = script:WaitForChild("Idle")
local idleAnimTrack
local swingAnim = script:WaitForChild("Swing")
local swingAnimTrack

local slashSound = script:WaitForChild("SlashSound")
local sheathSound = script:WaitForChild("SheathSound")
local hitSound = script:WaitForChild("HitSound")

local hitCharacters = {}
local debounce = false

	local humanoid = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid
	if not idleAnimTrack then idleAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(idleAnim) end
	if idleAnimTrack then idleAnimTrack:Stop() end
	if swingAnimTrack then swingAnimTrack:Stop() end
	if debounce then return end
	debounce = true
	local humanoid = script.Parent.Parent.Humanoid
	if not swingAnimTrack then swingAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(swingAnim) end
	debounce = false
	if hitCharacters[touch.Parent] or not debounce then return end
	if touch.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
		if touch.Name == "Head" then
		hitCharacters[touch.Parent] = true
		hitCharacters[touch.Parent] = nil

i will be very very very grateful if you could help me


Animations should be handled by a localscript, however:

If an animator is a descendant of a Humanoid or AnimationController in a Player’s Character then animations started on that Player’s client will be replicated to the server and other clients. If the animator is not a descendant of a player character, its animations must be loaded and started on the server to replicate.


do you know how to replicate it i really don’t know much about these kind of things

In order to get help you will need to edit your topic so people could see it correct.

This is a text font made for scripts


Redo your topic in a correct way first.

Anyway, as @Syclya said. A tool can have a LocalScript and a ServerScript inside.

Local Scripts are used (in tool conditions), to play animations that can be seen by everyone, to play sounds that can be heard by the client only, to generate particles visible only by the client.

Server Scripts, however, are used for events that can be seen both by the client having the tool, and a different player. Here you can use sounds, particles and even animations if you do want to have a duo animation with a different player (dancing with the other one at the same time).

For more info, check Tool in Developer Hub : Tool

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this only has a normal script i made the sword from a tutorial

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Use a Local Script to play the server-side animation. In the same format, use a Server Script to play any sounds, particles, etc.
Here is an example of a tool which has an animation , sound and particles. Since it is a LocalScript, other players will be able to see only your animations of the tool, not the sound and the particles generated by it.
FireExtinguisher.rbxm (7.3 KB)


so i should put the script i already have in a local script? i only want the animations to work that’s the most important

Yes, transfer the whole script into a Local one. If the problem persists, send the whole script again using the correct format i told you above.

okay, i already edited the script btw
edit: i just checked the fire tool you sended and i saw it has the server script i will put that script in the sword and change the script i already have in a local script

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hmm uh really weird the other swords also work without those scripts but my friend told me he doesn’t see them ;-; i just tested with my alt on 2 devices. anyways this is helpful for my other game that is currently 1 player only because this problem. thanks a bunch for the explanation!