Animations not working in a group of me

Hey, I have made different animations for my game. The edit place of my game is on my profile and the official game is in my group. Do I need to upload all the animations to my group now to get it work?

I hope anyone got a solution for this because I really don’t want to upload all of them now to my group.

You shouldn’t have to, just use the asset id.

You do need to upload all of them to your group for them to work on your group. Animations only work on games that are owned by the same animation owner, in this case the animations are owned by you, but the game is owned by a group, so the game needs to be owned by the same thing/or person that the animations are owned by. Uploading animations to groups from your profile is easy, just load them on a dummy, and export them, and it’ll export the exact same animation. Hope I helped!

Edit: The only animations that work in ANY game or group is the ones made by Roblox.


Okey thanks for the fast response.

No problem, glad I could help! :smiley:

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i am having similar error but i publish my animations to my group and it does not work when i test it