Animations not working in studio, but work in game

My animation is not working in studio play testing mode. However they work perfectly in-game.

They are published to the correct group, otherwise they wouldn’t work in studio.
This is a very disruptive problem, as my game has A LOT of animations in it, meaning that I have to join the game to test the animations( can’t test it in studio)

The bug happens when play testing.

It started happening since I re-published my place to a group, and has happened for about a week now.

Steps To Re-products

  1. Make an animation.
  2. Move the place and re-upload the animation to the new group’s animations.
  3. Play test in studio.

PC Specs:
AMD Ryzen R5 6-core processor.
Nvida GTX 1080 Graphics.
8 GB Ram


The log file can be found here


I wonder if this has something to do with the Motor/Motor6D issue I’ve been experiencing. In my case the motor’s CurrentAngle is being updated but isn’t being properly read. It’s about the same time frame as your issue started.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?

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