Animations on a Custom R15 Character do not render In Game like in the Animation Editor

Hey, i usually don’t post anything on this Forum (so sorry if its in a bad category or something like that), but I’ve been stuck on this problem for several hours now and I can’t find anything to fix it…
I’m currently creating a Cutscene of a Monster in R15 format that i made on Blender for one of my future games, however when i make an animation directly on its character in the Animation Editor and play it in game, it’s always broken and looks like it’s 10x bigger.
For my Cutscene, i only use an Animation Controller and an Animator to animate the monster.

Here’s how the animation looks like in Animation Editor:

Here’s how the animation looks like in Game:

Here’s the Character Rig:

And here’s the animation local script: (Ye cause i do the Cutscene in Local for all Clients)

I already searched on the Forum and havent found anything about this. So i hope someone will have a solution to this, and hope it can help other people with the same problem.

Thank you!


Is this animation using bones from blender?

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Nope, as you can see i sent the Rig and the Animation Editor Panel too!

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Does it work ok with other animations?


Nope as i said too, all animations i make on his own character looks like that.


When you imported it into studio was it put into a model and did you scale it at all?


hmm in my memories ye i did that

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Ok so on the rig just check in the properties the “scale” value


ye its scaled i just checked, its at 0.213

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Ok so this can break humanoids idk why it just does. What you should do is create a new model then move everything in the current rig into that new model

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ok i’ll try that now. Thank you!

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Nope i just tried and still the same sadly…

I gtg now so won’t be able to help for a while

Okk so actually setting the Model’s scale to 0 fixed the problem, and animations created on RIG R15 Classics work now on this one.
However, for those who’d like to know, if you make the same mistake as I did, which is to animate a model with a scale different than 1, and then set the scale back to 1, you’ll have to redo the full animation with your model scale set to 1.

Thanks for the help, and im off to redo this animation from 0! :smiling_face_with_tear:

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