Animations play differently on two separate places

I’m working on a system where Batman hangs from the vantage point he’s on, similar to the Arkham games but I’ve run into an issue. The animations play correctly on the place where I’m working on it, but on a different place they don’t.

How they are in the animation editor:

How they are:
On the place where I’m working on the system:

On the other place:

Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but the second place was created before the animation blend update. How do I fix this?

Was it a Beta update that you have to enable in the older place?

I thought enabled beta features apply to every place I edit. And I forgot to mention that the place with the problem is a local file, not published to Roblox.

This may be caused by the Roblox animation blend update, try stopping the idle animation while playing the new animation.