I’m having an issue where animations won’t play on the server even though they were called by a server script and only replicating to the local client. So far I’ve tried having the external rig outside of the character, using AnimationControllers and nothing seems to work. Is there any way that I could fix this issue?
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Can you confirm if the rigs animation is also playing from a different player?
If the issue persist, try swapping to server-side animation playback.
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Note, the rig is made by server and the animation is also played by the server as well
Try your luck in the following posts:
I’m attempting to Play Animations on a Client Controlled Character by SetNetworkOwner(Player)
However it’s not replicating.
From my understanding Animations should replicate when a Humanoid or an AnimationController is Network Owned by the respective Controller; a Mini is Network Owned by a Player who’s controlling it’s Animation.
Tested in Studio with Accurate Play Solo
I also did additional testing with Start Server and 2 Players, each player had their own Mini dancing but not for the ot…
I am playing AnimationTracks loaded into an AnimationController from the client, but they do not replicate to the server and to other clients
The client owns the physics for the NPC, and the Handle (root part) has priority 127
All of the constraints are created offline or on the server (and I tried initially creating them on the client but that doesn’t change anything)
The animations the client loads are parented to workspace.anims and I don’t modify the AnimationTrack properties such as W…
I’ve been encountering a rather annoying bug for a about month now. It sprung out of nowhere, we released an update and all of a sudden players started reporting that their they couldn’t see other player’s animations. (The update was completely unrelated, I fixed some UI issues) The issue happens seemingly at random, while the client is playing the game, and therefore playing animations, and they play some animation, its entirely random, and all of a sudden every animation that’s played on thei…
Perhaps the solution?
Sorry about this: The documentation on AnimationController and Humanoid for playing animations from the client has been incorrect for a long time.
It doesn’t rely on network ownership at all. Replicating animations from the client is only allowed for descendants of the Player’s Character.
Making the model a descendant of the Character in your repro makes it work. In this case, if it’s not physically a part of the Character model and low-latency responsiveness to user input isn’t absolutely cri…
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I’ll take a look into these and get back to you if any of them work, thanks for the help
Update on this, none of them seem to help with my issue. Most of these are talking about animating the rig on the client , however I’m animating it on the server …
In addition to this, animations for the character played by server are replicating perfectly fine to all clients.
November 23, 2019, 3:46am
Something I’ve found helpful for debugging weird animation replication is to enable in Studio: File > Settings > Network > Show Active Animation Asset
This will show all the animations playing for each client for every Animator object, along with diagnostic data (animation weight etc).
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Using this I’ve found that the animation is identified as playing by the server, but isn’t actually playing
Finally figured out the answer to this issue, apparently I had massless on the rig parts set to true.