Animations, server or client?

I have this carry system, it simply checks from client by a raycast for a carryable body then asks the server if it can play the animations for both players ( the one carries / get carried )

should I play the animations both players on the server or fire a remote event for each player to handle their animations?

also what assures me that the player connection is good that I can play the animation on his device and it will play smoothly to other players?

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Always, always, ALWAYS on the client.
Animators will automatically replicate animations for you and doing animations on the server makes stuff like getting keyframe events alot harder for 0 benefit.

Animations wont play for the player until they get the message that an animations should be played iirc (so its just a slower version of doing it on the client).
Also, other players don’t receive information about the animation unless something about it changes (like the weight or speed), they just get a copy of the animation and play it on their own clients. So as long as you receive that first message that an animation should be played, it will play it to completion.


are there any posts that explains what Roblox’s character replicate and what not. I also heard they can replicated character placement as in their PrimaryPart position, Isn’t that dangerous?

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There’s alot of things that roblox replicates automatically but idrk of any comprehensive place that just lists them all.
Most things are handled by humanoid code, which automatically replicates the position of the model, aswell as animations if it has an animator as a child.
I think some other things like character deletion, humanoid.Died, walkspeed, and jumppower are also replicated automatically but past that im not really too sure.


This also brings me another question, You said

Animations wont play for the player until they get the message that an animations should be played

so does it really matter if I play the animation on server?, The client anyways are the one who handles it.

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